To use the popular introduction from comedian Jeff Foxworthy. You know that you are eating meat, flour sugar, and other manufactured products if the following are true:
1. The meat you are eating comes from an animal that lives on a small farm, can roam where ever it chooses, and eats when it wants to eat.
2. The animal has not been fed any antibiotics, growth hormones, other animal by products, and or hormones.
3. The animal has been fed organic hay
4. The animal lives off recycled non-contaminated water
5. The pasture is free of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and is all natural
6. The animal was raised in the most dignified manner
7. The animal was able to mate at will, and not forced into mating
8. The animal had unlimited access to sunshine, clean air, clean and organic food
9. Sick animals were removed from the herd immediately
10. The meat is certified organic, and usually cost more than most meats
Eating organic meats is a great way for the consumer to make sure that you are eating the healthiest food choices. Organic meats, and other products tends to cost slightly more, but when you can, do pick up organic meat at your Manhattan kosher grocery services; visit our web site to get great deals!
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